Friday, February 25

Of Love and Other Stuff

Posted by joeytearjerky at 1:36 PM
I know this is super duper uber late already.. but hey! It's still 'Love Month', right? February isn't over yet! So Imma blog about LOVE. Yeah. You heard (err.. read) that one right! Hehehe. Anyway, Happy Valentines Day first!! :D

I seldom do blogs about celebrities or popular personalities (which I wanna call CeleBlogs, for short. Chos! Pauso lang :P), but when I do, it only means one thing: I super adore them and I look up to them a LOT. The Philippines Men's National Football Team, collectively known as the Azkals, is one of them.

Top (from L-R): Aly Borromeo, James Younghusband, Neil Etheridge, Ian Araneta, Anton del Rosario, Rob Gier
Bottom (from L-R): Jason de Jong, Phil Younghusband, Chieffy Caligdong, Simon Greatwich and Chris Greatwich

So what they got to do with love?? Hahaha! Well, it's simple! I LOVE THEM! :)

I love these guys not because of their impeccable good looks (oh puhlease I'm not that dense, but of course their looks won't hurt much either! :D), but because of their dedication and passion for the sport, football. One could easily notice that these guys are not playing just for the heck of it, nor just for fun but to bring honor and pride for the country. And they did it. When the team made it to the semi-finals of the recently concluded AFC Challenge Cup where they also kicked the last year's champ, Vietnam off the game; which set the whole Philippines (and I believe some parts of the globe) in frenzy! For the first time in many years, football is once again alive!!! And that is because of these dawgs. They proved the world that even underdogs can bite back!

And just recently, last February 9, once again they proved their skills when they won over the Mongolian team. And I know that they're gonna nail it again on March 15 as they face Mongolian team again for the second leg of their qualifying match. I know because I believe in them! Go Azkals! Laban! :))

Now, aren't they lovable? ;)


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