Monday, January 17

Cake Party at COP! ♥

Posted by joeytearjerky at 2:52 PM

Last Friday, January 14, Cathedral of Praise (COP) celebrated God's awesomeness as we laid our debts to rest. Ok, so you might be thinking, what debt? Looking back, 20 or 30 years ago? (I'm still no human that time, that I'm sure! :D) COP was just like any other church. Struggling, small and just very faithful to God's we borrow money from a bank so we can build our church and all. Fast forward to the present times, because of God's favors, provisions, mercy and faithfulness, here we are! We already paid off all our debts! We are completely debt-free!!! Thank God!!!! :)

And as a way of thanking God for his goodness, and all of us, COP members for being so faithful to our vows and promises that we are gonna help in making our church free from debt, COP put on a Debt-Free Cebration/Cake Party!! Yay! ♥
That's the cake! A big Goliath Cake! :)
Zoom in!!! Weeee! That's a 19-feet-Chocolate-Cake! Yuuummm!♥

Why Goliath? Well, last year, COP put a giant Goliath statue inside our church which represents our debts. And each time we give our seeds (offerings) and tithes, and fulfill our vows, a part of him is being cut off. Actually that statue was just a head na lang by January this year. :)

And to officially announce that COP is completely debt-free, they burned the mortgage contracts in front of us! Cool!

I love these scenes! :))
Then Pastor Sumrall proceeded to cutting the cake, Goliath's head. And yes, with a samurai!! Hahahaha! Super cool! He did it three times! He said he was so looking forward to doing that, that he just had to do it again for three times! Hahahahaha!

Our tickets! :)

Me, holding my ticket ;)

Mina! :)

Joshua, Kuya Mark, Mina, Me, Alvin and Aldrin eating cakes:)

One more!! :P Sarap ng cake! :)


Huge crowd at the COP garden! :)
And hey! There's a live band on the parking lot! COP band, of course! :D

And in here, lies Goliath. You read it right. He has a tomb. :P

Thank you Mina, Arvin, Aldrin, and Alvin for the company! I had so much fun!! Thank you, COP for the free chocolate cake! Hope there'll be more cake parties in the future! Hehehehe! And, last but definitely not the very least, THANK YOU LORD for all the blessings and favors and financial provisions!!! If not for You, we didn't have this kind of celebration! Thank You so much, God! Yours are all the honors, praises and glory!!!! :)


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