Tuesday, May 10

I *heart* LAKERS

Posted by joeytearjerky at 1:39 PM
Today is one of the darkest, gloomiest days of my life as a Laker fan. I've never seen this coming... I've never thought for a single moment that my team would end this way...this early in the season, but it is what it is. Today, Lakers were 'swept' -- 0 to 4 -- by the Dallas Mavericks off the NBA playoffs, losing the chance for a 3-peat championship.

There, I said it. The last time Lakers was swept off, if I remember it right, was in the year 2008 against the Boston Celtics. But also remember, what we got after that year..and the year next to that. A championship. We'll be back.

Yes, it hurts. It stings. But I understand that every team, every single fan, has their year. 2011 does not just belong to us. I know as well that we can't win every year..every title. Losing is a part of life. Circumstances such as this, brings a lesson and a promise of making you stronger. We'll be back.

If there is one thing good out of this though, is that we lost to a great team, the Dallas Mavericks, who have put up one helluva fight from the very beginning. Congrats! They deserved it. I just hope they play the same way til the end.

Yes, this is a tragic day for me as a Laker fan..seeing my team not playing in the finals..but even though and despite of that, I'll stick with my team no matter what. THE SEASON MAY END, BUT THE LOVE NEVER DOES. I am a Laker fan forever. Through thick and thins, and up and downs. GO PURP AND YELLOW!! :)

PS. I know this is so much for a send-off party but Phil Jackson, hats off to you, Sir. Thank you for everything. You will be missed. :(


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