Friday, December 17

Brain Damage? Damaged Brain?

Posted by joeytearjerky at 9:34 PM
by Joey Anne Roldan on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 11:58pm
*Imported from FB Notes ;D*

A while ago, I received a txt message from an anonymous person. It was a forwarded message but it was not like those kinds that says "you have to pass this to *insert number here* people, if not you'll lose someone you love" or after the condition, there's a "you will lose your life" consequence, or worse the stake is "you will lose your brain." Now that's creepy, isn't it?

But as I said, it was not like that. Though, it has something with the brain. Pretty random, no? Well, I think this message isn't new. You probably have read this before but I wanna share it here now because it really got my attention which is quite unusual since I'm always out-of-earth. Hehe. And apparently, it kinda answered why I always like that..out-of-earth, I mean. And why I always end up catching myself lost in my own thoughts.

Anyway, here it goes:

TOP10 Biggest Brain Damaging Habits according to World Health Organization:

1. No breakfast.
2. 0ver eating.
3. Smoking.
4. High sugar consumption.
5. Airpollution.
6. Sleep deprivation.
7. Head covered while sleeping.
8. Working your brain during illness.
9. Lack in stimulating thoughts.
10. Talking rarely.

I always eat my breakfast. In fact, that's my favorite meal of the day. But I over-eat also. Though I never smoke. Yet I LOVE sweets & chocolates, plus I live in Manila. Airpollution is what we breathe. I'm always sleep-eprived; it's required in my course. I can't sleep without a pillow covering my face. I'm always mentally-preoccupied even when I'm sick. Though I rarely think of quizzical things, I believe my brain had enough of beating already from math questions & analytical problems. Most of all, I sparsely talk. I'm the quiet type. I love listening to songs or someone else than talk.

8 out of 10. So that explains why sometimes I feel like I'm a stupe, brainless and an idiot person? Why I feel like I'm crazy and a freak? Cuz my brain is damaged already? And here I thought I'm developing a major psychological issue with myself already because my actions aren't normal-ish at all.
But I believe more of what that picture above says. Hehe. Labo.


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